Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A new year and a new beginning.  Of course every year we strive for the ULTIMATE goal of weight loss.  Last year I went from the edge of wearing a size 10 down to a size 8.  This year I want to get down to a size 6.  I also think that to keep me more on target that I should split these goals into seasons!

So here a a few of my goals for the new year...

Year Long Goal:
1. Get down to a size 6
2. Work on being vocally/verbally grateful for things and people in my life (more thank you cards)
3. Complete one thing off of my "wish/bucket list" https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.661188106759.2222249.18810045&type=3
4. Put more money back in savings (by paying off credit cards)

1st Quarter Goal:
1. Get the house organized
2. Get the roof done (March is the goal for this one)
3. Read a new book

2nd Quarter Goal:
1. Get the house decorated
2. Read another book

3rd Quarter Goal:
1. Get one credit card paid off
2. Read a third book

4th Quarter Goal:
1. Get another credit card paid off (for a total of at least 2 for the year)
2. Mail Christmas cards by last week of November
3. Read a 4th book
4. Create a "My Favorite Things" gift for my closest girl friends

I feel like if I break my goals down to a time frame, it will give me a sense of urgency to really get to it!

What have you proposed as your new year's resolutions?

1 comment:

  1. I love that you made realistic Quarterly goals. I hope you write more! THanks for sharing with me!!
